• Lifetime Membership

    Unlock perpetual benefits at Ascen+ Pharmacy.

  • Birthday Treat

    5x Points reward on birthday month

  • Point Collection

    At every purchase

    RM1 = 1 point

  • Member Price

    Special discounts on products and workshops

  • Free Health Consultation

    Get free health checks from select outlets with no extra cost.

  • Exclusive Invites to Workshops and Events

    Get early access to our exclusive events with limited spots!

  • Earn Referral Rewards

    Refer friends to join our membership at our outlets and earn extra points!

Join our Membership Program!

Visit your nearest Ascen+ Pharmacy outlet today and activate your lifetime membership!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions from our customers

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How can I become a member at Ascen+ Pharmacy?

  1. Option A: Simply spend RM30 or more in a single receipt and enjoy a complimentary membership signup!
  2. Option B: Register for only RM6. No purchase required!

What are the privileges I receive as a member at Ascen+ Pharmacy?

  • Exclusive Discounts: Access member-only discounted prices on a wide range of products.
  • Free Health Consultations: Receive complimentary health consultations from qualified professionals.
  • Exclusive Events: Get invitations to exclusive workshops, promotions, and events.
  • Special Workshop Prices: Enjoy discounted rates for workshops conducted by experts.
  • Birthday Rewards: Receive special treats and enjoy 5x points rewards during your birthday month.

How can I earn and redeem points at Ascen+ Pharmacy?

  1. To earn points at Ascen+ Pharmacy, simply make purchases at any Ascen+ Pharmacy outlet! Points only given for in-store purchase only!
  2. For every RM1 spent, you earn 1 point.

How long are my member points, cash vouchers, and product vouchers valid?

  1. Member points earned are valid for 24 months.
  2. Once points are converted to cash vouchers, customers have 30 days to redeem them.
  3. Product vouchers also have a validity period of 30 days from the date of issuance.

Are there any birthday rewards during a member's birthday month?

  1. Enjoy 5x points rewards during your birthday month, available once, and valid throughout your birthday month.
  2. Receive a free health test which includes blood tests for Glucose, Cholesterol, Uric Acid, and a Quantum test.

    **Quantum magnetic test is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that utilizes advanced technology to assess the body's electromagnetic fields and detect imbalances or abnormalities within the body. By analyzing the body's magnetic resonance and frequency responses, the test can provide insights into various aspects of health, including organ function, nutrient deficiencies, toxin levels, and overall wellness status. This innovative approach aims to identify potential health issues at an early stage, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to restore balance and optimize health.

Points Redemption Terms & Conditions

  1. With the use of the SERVICE, points will be granted through various forms. No cash value is endowed upon the points. They cannot be converted into cash or any other forms of money, regardless of the ways through which the points are earned.
  2. Points are not deemed as any form of property; hence they are not any property over which YOU may exercise the full right of possession. The COMPANY may, in its sole discretion, adjust the point value or amend relevant provisions relating to points redemption without YOUR prior consent.
  3. YOU are entitled only to convert the points granted into designated service or products according to the COMPANY’s relevant provisions.
  4. Fraud, misuse, or other misconduct involving the acquisition and (or) use of points may result in the immediate cancellation, restriction or termination of YOUR points or the use of YOUR points.

Shipping Fees for Regular Purchases on the website?

  • West Malaysia: RM8 shipping for orders below RM150
  • East Malaysia: RM24 shipping for orders below RM150
  • Singapore: RM60 shipping for orders below RM150